Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My Story and How I came to start Hope Sytems

 So it Begins
I am 52 years old as of today and I feel as though I have done very little in my life that has impacted society or others in general.  I feel like I am holding my own in the Fatherhood and Husband department as I have 4 children who are all thriving and a wife who I have been married to for almost 22 years.  She might have some other words to describe that relationship, but probably not too bad.

My current employment is one of a construction safety trainer in the area of trenching and excavation safety and I am fairly successful at doing that but I am not going to get rich doing it and as a matter of fact I have been kidding myself all of these years about just how far that can take me, so here I am.

I have started this blog because I have a desire to write and very little else.  I know what I want but am struggling greatly to get it out into the internet domain as it were.  I am going to build something that will take care of my childrens children or my grandchildren and hopefully my great grandchildren as well.

That is a pretty lofty goal you might say.  Agreed! All of the more reason to document the whole thing from beginning to end.  My goals, my progress, my frustrations and my victories.  It will all be here.

I chose Hope Systems because when I went to Go Daddy and typed in Hope for a name this is what it came up with, Too funny.  I am a concept person so go figure.  What a name but it suits me because I am a systems kind of guy anyway.

Hope Systems
This is just what it sounds like.  A system that will bring hope.  I have certainly not seen it all in my day but I have seen enough to know that many and I mean many, do not have any confidence about the future.  Whether it be as people, as a country or as an individual.  Most people that I know tend to look at life as dictated by the news on television or maybe like I used to do through a news blog of some kind on the internet.

I have given up television and reading blogs about the world and decided to focus on creating my own and in the process maybe help a few people find their way to creating their own as well.

I believe that 7 figures is now the new 6 figures and if you are not there then you are barely making it.  Having said that I dont want to be barely making it.  I dont know many people who are making over a million dollars a year but would like to.  At least the ones who do it as a function of who and what they are.

This brings me to my passion.  Growth and change and new systems of being or new ways of thinking.  New worlds and new frontiers to explore.

Its late now and I have to get up for the J O B in the morning so Good Night Now as the sports jockey Jim Rome would say...OUT!

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